Document Type : Original Article


M.A of educational management Azad university of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between personality characteristics and social self-efficacy with academic motivation in male high school students. The research method was descriptive. 300 students were selected by multistage cluster sampling and responded to the questionnaires of personality characteristic, academic motivation and social self-efficacy. Finding: The results of Pearson correlation coefficient showed that there is significant correlation between students’ academic motivation and five personality characteristics, including neuroticism, openness, agreeableness, extraversion, and conscientiousness. Also, there was a significant positive correlation between social self-efficacy and academic motivation. Results of regression analysis showed that the personality characteristics of social self-efficacy and conscientious was able to predict and explain the positively and significantly the academic motivation of boy students. Attitudes and abilities in adapt to circumstances causes reduced stresses including academic, emotional and social stress. On the other hand, weak self-efficacy results in negative evaluation, unfavorable and the sense of disability and helpless.


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